Low Income Housing Data for PA District 12

Comparing owner and renter households within PA District 12

Number of occupied housing units by tenure
Income and housing costs for owners and renters

Source: US Census Bureau 2015 ACS 5-yr estimates

Comparing the numbers/percentages of owner and renter households across geographies

(Hover over pie sections to see number of households)

In the entire US
In the state of Pennsylvania
In PA District 12

Source: US Census Bureau 2015 ACS 5-yr estimates

Comparing cost burdened renter households across geographies

HUD defines a cost burdened renter household as one that pays 30% or more of income on gross rent. Graphics below display renter household data only and do not include owner households. (Hover over pie sections to view number of households)

In the US
In Pennsylvania
In PA District 12

Source: US Census Bureau 2015 ACS 5-yr estimates

Comparing owner/renter household income and housing costs across geographies

Median monthly income
Median monthly housing costs

Source: US Census Bureau 2015 ACS 5-yr estimates

Affordable Housing Availability in PA District 12 through federal programs

Number of properties/complexes and respective housing units available through select federal programs
(does not include state, local, or private properties and units)

A housing unit is typically an apartment or townhome.