You may be able to avoid eviction by reaching an agreement with your landlord to pay back rent.
But before you approach your landlord to negotiate, be prepared. Here are some suggestions:
It’s important to know exactly what is required of both landlords and tenants during the eviction process. Understanding your tenant rights especially helps if negotiations fail, and your landlord decides to go forward with an eviction.
A list of state-by-state Tenant Rights resources can be found on HUD’s website here.
It’s best to consult with an expert before you start the negotiations. You might also be able to get the expert to do the negotiations.
You can find Legal Aid contact information for your area on here.
There are government and social services that could help you pay your back rent. Before you start the negotiations, apply for all that is available to you. Keep proof of your applications, and tell your landlord you have applications in for these programs.
Find emergency rental assistance in your state on the U.S. Department of Treasury webpage here.
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Get a head start, and scan important documents you may need for applications, like drivers licenses, birth certificates, and Social Security cards.Izzie Tiffany says:
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