Federal HOME funds can be used by states to offer down payment assistance for first time homebuyers. Also, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac set the guidelines for down payment assistance offered by banks.
Your State Finance Agency or Housing Authority will have information about local Down Payment Assistance Programs. You can find your local Housing Authority here: https://affordablehousingonline.com/housing-authority.
Here's a list of State Finance Agency homeownership program pages:
Alabama Homebuyers
Alaska Happy Homeownership Starts with AHFC.
Arizona https://housing.az.gov/general-public/programs-for-homebuyers
Arkansas https://homeloans.arkansas.gov/
California CalHFA: California Housing Finance Agency
California CDLAC Applicant Information
Colorado Home
Connecticut Homebuyer Assistance, Guides & Resources - Connecticut | CHFA
Delaware Home - Delaware State Housing Authority
District of Columbia Homeownership
Florida Florida Housing Finance Corporation
Georgia Homeownership
Guam FIRST-TIME HOMEOWNERS – Temporarily Suspended
Hawaii http://dbedt.hawaii.gov/hhfdc/
Idaho Idaho Housing and Finance Association: Home
Illinois My Home
Indiana Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority: Homebuyers
Kansas https://kshousingcorp.org/homeowners/first-time-homebuyer/
Kentucky https://www.kyhousing.org/Homeownership/Pages/default.aspx
Louisiana https://www.lhc.la.gov/homeownership
Maine First Home Loan Program
Maryland The Maryland Mortgage Program
Massachusetts https://www.masshousing.com/en/home-ownership/homebuyers
Michigan MSHDA - Homeownership
Minnesota Welcome
Mississippi https://www.mshomecorp.com/
Missouri http://www.mhdc.com/homes/index.htm
Montana Homeownership - Montana Housing
Nebraska https://www.nifa.org/homebuyer?lat=39.698432&long=-86.42232320000001
Nevada https://housing.nv.gov/
New Hampshire https://www.nhhfa.org/homeownership/
New Jersey New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency | Homeownership
New Mexico http://www.housingnm.org/homebuyers/home-buyers
New York Homebuyers
North Carolina https://www.nchfa.com/home-buyers
North Dakota Ready to Buy a Home? – ND Housing
Northern Marianas nmhcgov.net
Ohio My Ohio Home – Welcome Home!
Oklahoma Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency - Homebuyers
Oregon https://www.oregon.gov/ohcs/homeownership/pages/index.aspx
Pennsylvania PHFA HOMEPAGE | Mortgage – Housing – Foreclosure Options
Puerto Rico Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico
Rhode Island RIHousing: Home
South Carolina SC Housing
South Dakota Homeownership | SDHDA
Tennessee Tennessee Housing Development Agency | Homepage
Texas The Texas Homebuyer Program | The Texas Homebuyers Program
Vermont Welcome to Homeownership | VHFA.org
Virgin Islands Homeownership Programs
Virginia https://www.vhda.com/Homebuyers/Pages/homebuyers.aspx
Washington WSHFC | Home Buyer Programs
West Virginia HOME | WVHDF
Wisconsin Home Buyer Resources
If you're a homeless veteran, contact your VA Medical Center.
You may have an opportunity to apply for a VASH voucher, which is a Section 8 voucher for homeless veterans.Judea I. Lawton says:
"Affordable Housing Online is a great resource for those needing housing."