Housing Authority of the City of Paterson

This housing agency serves Paterson, New Jersey.

Waiting List
Closed: Housing Authority of the City of Paterson Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List Learn More
Closed: Riverside Terrace Development (5th Ave.), 2-Bedroom Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List Learn More
Closed: Housing Authority of the City of Paterson Public Housing Waiting List Learn More

Closed: Housing Authority of the City of Paterson Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List

The Housing Authority of the City of Paterson (HACP) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is currently closed. It was last open in March 2015. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.

Closed: Riverside Terrace Development (5th Ave.), 2-Bedroom Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List

This waiting list is for Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in City of Paterson, New Jersey.

The Housing Authority of the City of Paterson (HACP) last accepted Section 8 Project Based Voucher waiting list applications for 2-Bedroom apartments for Riverside Terrace Development (5th Ave.) from April 21, 2024, until April 28, 2024. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.

This waiting list had the following preference: Live, work or have been employed in the City of Paterson.

Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application was received, by order of preferences.

To apply while the waitlist was open, applicants were required to complete the online application.

For more information, visit the HACP website.

Sources: This information was verified by the TAPintoPaterson public notice on April 18, 2024.

Closed: Housing Authority of the City of Paterson Public Housing Waiting List

The Housing Authority of the City of Paterson is not accepting public housing waiting list applications at this time.

About The Agency

Housing Authority of the City of Paterson provides affordable housing for up to 4,689 low- and moderate-income households through its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and public housing programs.

Monday 8:00am-4:30pm
Tuesday 8:00am-4:30pm
Wednesday 8:00am-4:30pm
Thursday 8:00am-4:30pm
Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

60 Van Houten Street, Paterson, NJ

Visit Website(973) 345-5080

Section 8 Application Checklist

file_download Download

Keep track of everything you need to apply for a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher in this printable checklist created by Affordable Housing Online

How large is the Housing Authority of the City of Paterson?

Housing Authority of the City of Paterson serves 3,484 low-income households. The agency manages 3,233 Housing Choice Vouchers and 704 public housing units.

What are the incomes of residents served by the Housing Authority of the City of Paterson?

Extremely low-income (ELI) renters, earning less than 30% of Area Median Income (AMI), make up 83 percent of households served by Housing Authority of the City of Paterson. Very low-income renters earn less than 50% AMI, and are 97 percent of Housing Authority of the City of Paterson households.

How many Housing Authority of the City of Paterson residents are employed?

Working adults head 871 households and make up 25 percent of households served by Housing Authority of the City of Paterson.

How many female-headed renter households are served by the Housing Authority of the City of Paterson?

There are 2717 female-headed renter households living in Housing Authority of the City of Paterson housing. Households headed by females are 78% of those served by the Housing Authority of the City of Paterson.

What racial and ethnic groups are found among Housing Authority of the City of Paterson renters?

Black 1,707
White 244
Hispanic 1,533

How many senior-headed renter households are served by Housing Authority of the City of Paterson?

There are 1776 households headed by seniors served by the Housing Authority of the City of Paterson. Senior households are 51% of households in Housing Authority of the City of Paterson housing.

How many households headed by persons with disabilities live in Housing Authority of the City of Paterson housing?

There are 801 persons with disabilities living in Housing Authority of the City of Paterson housing. Persons with disabilities are the head of 23% of households served by the Housing Authority of the City of Paterson.

How does HUD rate the performance of the Housing Authority of the City of Paterson?

The Housing Authority of the City of Paterson is rated as a standard performer by HUD.

HUD rates the performance of Public Housing Agencies. The department looks at physical condition of properties, financial condition, management operations, and use of Public Housing Capital Funds for improvements.

How often does Housing Authority of the City of Paterson open new waiting lists?

Housing Authority of the City of Paterson’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) waiting list was last opened on March 29, 2025 and closed on March 29, 2025.

Public Housing Communities Managed by Housing Authority of the City of Paterson

Greater Paterson Development

14 Van Houten St, Paterson, New Jersey 07505

switch_access_shortcut Short Wait
payment Subsidized
accessibility Accessible

Riverside Terrace Family and Senior

416-462 Fifth Ave., Paterson, New Jersey 07514

switch_access_shortcut Short Wait

Freedom Village

69 Straight Street, Paterson, New Jersey 07501

bed 1
payment $1398-1405/mo.
switch_access_shortcut Short Wait
accessibility Accessible

Belmont Apartments

50 Belmont Ave, Paterson, New Jersey 07522

switch_access_shortcut Short Wait
real_estate_agent Accepts Vouchers
accessibility Accessible

Federation Apartments

510 E 27th St, Paterson, New Jersey 07514

switch_access_shortcut Short Wait
real_estate_agent Accepts Vouchers

Mcbride, Masiello and Canfield Devels

255 Atlantic St, Paterson, New Jersey 07503

payment Subsidized

Barnert, Cotton and Griffin Developments

163 Rosa Parks Blvd, Paterson, New Jersey 07501

payment Subsidized
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