Municipality of Loiza provides affordable housing for up to 5 low- and moderate-income households through its public housing programs.
Calle Espiritu Santo #58, Loiza, Puerto Rico
(787) 876-1040Municipality of Loiza serves -1 low-income households. The agency manages 8 Housing Choice Vouchers and 0 public housing units.
Extremely low-income (ELI) renters, earning less than 30% of Area Median Income (AMI), make up percent of households served by Municipality of Loiza. Very low-income renters earn less than 50% AMI, and are percent of Municipality of Loiza households.
There is no information available about the number of female-headed renter households in Municipality of Loiza housing.
There is no information available about the different racial and ethnic groups served by the Municipality of Loiza.
There is no information available about the number of senior-headed renter households in Municipality of Loiza housing.
There is no information available about the number of households headed by persons with disabilities among those served by the Municipality of Loiza.
Affordable housing is for both families and individuals.
There is no requirement to have family members or children to live in affordable housing. Single persons are eligible for housing.Dawn Cournoyer says:
"Affordable Housing Online is a great resource! The site gives people a great place to search for housing list openings."