Municipality of San Lorenzo provides affordable housing for up to 107 low- and moderate-income households through its public housing programs.
Calle Luis Muñoz Rivera #4, San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico
(787) 736-3511Municipality of San Lorenzo serves 95 low-income households. The agency manages 111 Housing Choice Vouchers and 0 public housing units.
Extremely low-income (ELI) renters, earning less than 30% of Area Median Income (AMI), make up 66 percent of households served by Municipality of San Lorenzo. Very low-income renters earn less than 50% AMI, and are 86 percent of Municipality of San Lorenzo households.
Working adults head 23 households and make up 25 percent of households served by Municipality of San Lorenzo.
There are 90 female-headed renter households living in Municipality of San Lorenzo housing. Households headed by females are 95% of those served by the Municipality of San Lorenzo.
Hispanic | 95 |
There are 14 households headed by seniors served by the Municipality of San Lorenzo. Senior households are 15% of households in Municipality of San Lorenzo housing.
There are 2 persons with disabilities living in Municipality of San Lorenzo housing. Persons with disabilities are the head of 3% of households served by the Municipality of San Lorenzo.
Keep a record of past landlord issues.
Having some marks on your rental history will not disqualify you from federal housing, but be prepared to explain situations like an eviction.Diane Johnson says:
"The housing information on Affordable Housing Online is comprehensive, timely and user friendly. I appreciate all the diligent research that goes into collecting and sharing this vital information. Thanks for your commitment to excellence."