Housing Authority of Marfa provides affordable housing for up to 74 low- and moderate-income households through its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher programs.
510 S. Kelly, Shafter, Texas
(432) 729-4811Housing Authority of Marfa serves 54 low-income households. The agency manages 0 Housing Choice Vouchers and 54 public housing units.
Extremely low-income (ELI) renters, earning less than 30% of Area Median Income (AMI), make up 57 percent of households served by Housing Authority of Marfa. Very low-income renters earn less than 50% AMI, and are 83 percent of Housing Authority of Marfa households.
Working adults head 19 households and make up 37 percent of households served by Housing Authority of Marfa.
There are 36 female-headed renter households living in Housing Authority of Marfa housing. Households headed by females are 67% of those served by the Housing Authority of Marfa.
White | 11 |
Hispanic | 43 |
There are 22 households headed by seniors served by the Housing Authority of Marfa. Senior households are 41% of households in Housing Authority of Marfa housing.
There are 7 persons with disabilities living in Housing Authority of Marfa housing. Persons with disabilities are the head of 13% of households served by the Housing Authority of Marfa.
The Housing Authority of Marfa is rated as a high performer by HUD.
HUD rates the performance of Public Housing Agencies. The department looks at physical condition of properties, financial condition, management operations, and use of Public Housing Capital Funds for improvements.
Housing options for families with immigrants.
If the head of household is a citizen or eligible immigrant, you can still qualify for HUD programs with a citizenship requirement.Lisa Selby says:
"After years of applying for Section 8 and never being called, this website is the reason I finally received my voucher, and just moved into my new apartment! If I had not started receiving alerts from Affordable Housing Online of waiting list openings in my area, I would not be where I am today!"