C. Bruce Rose Plaza Project-Based Waiting List is Closed as of December 2024. The waiting list was last open in January 2024 and remains closed.

Ayat Elkarib

Analysis by Ayat Elkarib

Last Updated: February, 23rd 2024


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The Wilson Housing Authority (WHA) last accepted waiting list applications for 1-Bedroom apartments at C. Bruce Rose Plaza since at least February, 2021, until the earliest confirmed date of January 30, 2024.

To apply while the waiting list was open, applicants were required to pick up an application Monday-Thursday, from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm ET, at one of the following locations:

  • Forrest Road Homes
  • Whitfield Homes
  • E.B. Jordan Homes
  • WHA Admin office

Once the paper application was completed, it was hand delivered to one of the locations noted above.

This waiting list had the following preferences:

  • Involuntary Displacement
  • Veteran/Homeless
  • Working FamilyDefined as being self-employed, working an average of 20 hours or more a week for at least 11 months, or being seasonally employed for 2 years with the current employer and working 20 hours a week or more). Includes persons 62 years or older.

It was not known how applicants will be placed on the waiting list.

For more information, visit the WHA website.

Sources: This information was verified by the WHA Public Housing page on January 30, 2024.

C. Bruce Rose Plaza Project-Based Applicant Preferences

C. Bruce Rose Plaza has preferences for: Elderly, Displaced by Natural Disaster, Veterans, Working/Employed, Homeless, Displaced by Government Action. Preferences are not required but Project-Based applicants that meet these criteria will be moved up the waiting list.

Wilson Housing Authority

C. Bruce Rose Plaza Project-Based Waiting List is managed by Wilson Housing Authority.

Wilson Housing Authority provides affordable housing for up to 1,378 low- and moderate-income households through its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and public housing programs.

This housing agency serves Wilson County, North Carolina.

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