OPEN: Council Bluffs, Iowa is currently open and does not have a predetermined closing date.

Nathan Brunet

Analysis by Nathan Brunet

Last Updated: February, 23rd 2024

Online Application
Date and Time
Section 8 Voucher

This waiting list is for Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental housing assistance in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

The Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs (MHACB) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is currently open. Applications are being accepted from December 18, 2020 at 9:00 am CT, until further notice.

There are two ways to apply during the opening period:

  1. Complete the online application available here.
  2. Pick up an application from the MHACB, located at 300 West Broadway, Suite 38 Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503.

Once the application has been completed, it must be returned to the MHACB at the address mentioned above.

This waiting list has the following preferences:

  • Local residency preference for those living in the jurisdiction of the PHA (Council Bluffs, Iowa) at the time of the application (10 points).
  • Families that include a person with disabilities, but not persons with a specific disability (9 points).
  • Applicant families whose head of household, or spouse is employed or has a bona fide offer for employment, must work at least 20 hours per week at minimum wage (this preference will not be based on the amount of earned income and the PHA may not prefer higher income families over families with lower oncomes to occupy a development or unit except to the extent that the PHA has identified the need to implement economic de-concentration and income targeting) (8 points).
  • Families whose head of household or spouse is sixty-two (62) years of age or disabled automatically receive the maximum level of local preference (8 points).
  • Paying more than fifty percent(50%) of family income for rent (Rent Burden) (7 points).
  • Single persons who are elderly, displaced, homeless, or persons with disabilities over other single persons (6 points).
  • Victims of domestic violence (5 points).
  • Involuntary displacement (4 points).

Selected applicants will be placed on the waiting list by date and time the application is received, weighed by order of preferences.

For more information, visit the MHACB website.

Sources: This information was verified by the MHACB on December 16, 2020.

Let's Discuss Council Bluffs, Iowa Section 8 Voucher

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Council Bluffs, Iowa Section 8 Voucher Application Methods

The application may be completed online at

The application may be picked up in person at MHACB, located at 300 West Broadway Suite 38 Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503.

The application may be turned in to MHACB, located at 300 West Broadway Suite 38 Council Bluffs, Iowa 51503.

Council Bluffs, Iowa Section 8 Voucher Applicant Preferences

Council Bluffs, Iowa has preferences for: Elderly, Victims of Domestic Violence, Live, Work, or Attend School Locally, Working/Employed, Disabled, Rent Burdened. Preferences are not required but Section 8 Voucher applicants that meet these criteria will be moved up the waiting list.

Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs

Council Bluffs, Iowa Section 8 Voucher Waiting List is managed by Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs.

Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs provides affordable housing for up to 1,020 low- and moderate-income households through its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and public housing programs.

This housing agency serves Council Bluffs, Iowa.

What should I do after applying to the Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 Voucher waiting list?

After applying, it's a good practice to keep a record of any application that you submit. This will help you keep track of your application, and is especially useful if you apply to multiple waiting lists. You can do this easily with a document on your computer or mobile device, and also with a notebook or piece of paper.

Make sure to write down your application or confirmation number with the application details. This number will be important to reference in the future. Once you have this information written, keep it stored in a place that's easy to access when you need it.

With this information safely stored, all you have left to do is wait to find out if you've been selected for the waiting list.

When will I know if I've been selected for the Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 Voucher waiting list?

Depending on the area, it may take weeks or even months to know if you've been selected for the waiting list. Your wait for an announcement is usually the longest in areas with large populations and a high demand for housing assistance.

Check if the public notice states when the housing authority plans to announce the results, or how long it may take to review applications. Contact the housing authority if this information isn't available.

How do I know if I've been added to the Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 Voucher waiting list?

Once all applications are reviewed, the housing authority will either contact everyone who has been placed on the waiting list, or message everyone who applied to check their results.

The housing authority will use the contact information you give in the application to reach you (usually by mail, email, or phone). For this reason, it is very important to put valid contact information on your application. Make sure you keep your contact information up to date, and that you respond quickly if any further action is required.

If you don't get contacted by the housing authority, it might mean that you were not chosen for the waiting list. Sometimes, housing authorities do not contact applicants who were not placed on the waiting list. Check with the housing authority for confirmation.

How can I check my status on the Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 Voucher waiting list?

To check your status on the waiting list, you usually have to log into an online portal, call a phone number, or visit the office. Each housing authority has different ways for you to check your status.

Some housing authorities will give your spot on the waiting list, but others might only confirm that you're still on the waiting list. Make sure that you have your application or confirmation number with you when checking your status.

How long will it take to get to the top of the Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 Voucher waiting list?

The wait to reach the top of this waiting list will be different for everyone.

This waiting list has at least one preference, so those who qualify will have a shorter wait than those who don't. After sorting preferences, applicants are placed on the waiting list by date and time the application was received by the housing authority. So applying soon after the waiting list opens will give you a shorter wait than those who wait to apply after you.

If you are closer to the top of the waiting list, your wait may be just weeks or months long. But if you're closer to the end of the waiting list, it could take years to reach the top.

How do I update my application for the Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 Voucher waiting list?

To update your waiting list application, you usually have to log into an online portal, call a phone number, or submit a form to the office. Each housing authority has different ways for you to update your application.

Make sure that you have your application or confirmation number with you when updating your application.

When can I apply for a Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 Voucher waiting list that is open until further notice?

You can apply for a waiting list that is open until further notice while it stays open for an unknown period of time. Usually, the housing authority is accepting applications until the waiting list closes, but some of these waiting lists never close.

For the Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 Voucher waiting list, how do I apply online?

To apply online, an electronic form must be submitted to the housing authority on the internet. Many online applications require an account to be created to log in, and also a valid email address.

For the Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 Voucher waiting list, how do I pick up an application?

To pick up an application, you must visit a location set by the housing authority to pick up a paper form. This place may be a housing authority office, local government building, or another location that is helping with the waiting list opening. The application must be completed and sent back to the housing authority according to their instructions.

How is a Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 Voucher waiting list sorted by date and time?

A waiting list sorted by date and time orders applicants who are selected for the waiting list by the date and time the housing authority receives the application. Those who apply earlier will generally be placed higher on the waiting list.

Who has a Section 8 voucher already?

If you are considering applying for a voucher, you may be interested to know who already has a voucher, and what the households tend to look like. Fortunately, we can provide some helpful statistics using HUD's 2023 Picture of Subsidized Households. The following data describes the economic and demographic characteristics of renters who have a Section or project-based voucher issued by Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs.

How many renters have a Section 8 voucher with Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs?

At the start of 2024, Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs was managing 784 Section 8 vouchers. Of the total number of vouchers managed, there were 666 households with a voucher. This represents 85% of the total voucher allotment for Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs.

According to HUD, there is a total of 1,342 people living in households with a Section 8 voucher issued by Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs, with the average number of people per household being 2.

How long did current Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 households wait for their voucher?

The 666 households with a Section 8 voucher at the start of 2024 waited on average 12 months to receive their voucher. Of those voucher-holding households, 100 got their voucher in the last year. This represents 15 percent of voucher holders with vouchers issued by Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs.

Are there any Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 vouchers not issued to renters?

Though Section 8 voucher programs are over-subscribed across the nation with all programs having a waiting list, each month, each housing agency managing vouchers has vouchers that are not issued to renters. This can result from turnover in the program if someone with a voucher buys a home, sees an increase in their income, passes away, or otherwise discontinues the use of their voucher.

The time it takes to transfer voucher funding from one recipient to another can be many months. Managing the Section 8 waiting list, qualifying new voucher holders, and approving new homes or apartments takes time. In addition, in some areas, there is an extreme housing shortage or landlords may refuse to rent to persons using a Section 8 voucher to pay their rent. This results in longer than usual ramp-up times for new voucher holders.

The Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 HCV program that this waiting list covers had 85% of its vouchers utilized by households with 15% unutilized at the start of 2024. This means that 118 Section 8 vouchers out of a total of 784 were in processing at the time HUD reported the data.

How many Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 households have children?

Of the 666 Section 8 voucher-holding households with the Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs, 251 have at least one child. There are 16 two-parent households in the Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs voucher program, and 235 single-parent households. There were 235 households with children with a female head of household.

How much do Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 households earn?

The average annual household income for Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 Voucher holders is $16,279 The average annual income per person is $8,698 The average voucher holder earns 20% of the local Area Median Income.

Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs voucher household annual income
Annual Income Range ($) Number of Households % of Vouchers
Less than $5,000 33 5%
$5,000 - $9,999 33 5%
$10,000 - $14,999 273 41%
$15,000 - $19,999 133 20%
$20,000+ 193 29%

What is the source of income for Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 households?

Of all voucher holders, 165 (21%) receive the majority of their income from wages and/or business. 0 (0%) voucher-holding households receive the majority of their income from welfare programs like TANF, General Assistance or Public Assistance. 580 (74%) voucher-holding households derive the majority of their income from some other source (other than wage or welfare).

How much does a Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 voucher pay for tenants?

The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program pays 70% of the cost of rent plus utilities for any household receiving the housing assistance.

For the Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 program, the federal government is providing, on average, $652 per month to each household, for an average annual cost of $7,824. The program as a whole is paying landlords $434,232 per month, for an annual economic benefit to landlords of $5,210,784

How much does the average Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 tenant pay per month in rent?

HUD refers to the portion of rent paid by the Section 8 tenant as the Total Tenant Payment, or Family Expenditure.

For the Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 HCV programs, the average family expenditure is $422 per month or $5,064 per year. The combined payment from all tenants in the program is $281,052 per month, which is $3,372,624 per year.

What is the average rent of a Section 8 apartment or home in the Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs program?

The average total rent paid to Section 8 landlords is $1,074 per month which includes payment contributed by both tenant households and the federal government. This is a program-wide rent average across all bedroom size rentals.

What is the average utility cost paid by Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 renters?

The average cost of utilities for renters in this program is $151 per month. It is important to note this is not the actual cost renters will pay for utilities, but an estimate based on the energy cost estimates of the program.

What size are most Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 homes?

Of the 784 households with a Section 8 voucher, 233 (35%) live in a studio or one-bedroom unit, 273 (41%) rent a 2-bedroom rental home and 153 (23%) have a 3-bedroom or larger rental. 27% of Housing Choice Voucher recipients are overhoused with more bedrooms than people in the household.

What is the race and ethnicity of Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 households?

16% of Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 HCV program households have a minority head of household who is Black, Native American, Asian or Pacific Islander; or of Hispanic ethnicity.

What are the ages of tenant heads of households in the Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs Section 8 HCV program?

Age Range of Head of Household Number of Households % of Households
Under 24 13 2%
25-50/td> 267 40%
51-61 180 27%
62-84 200 30%
85 or Older 7 1%
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