OPEN: De Valls Bluff Housing Authority is currently open and does not have a predetermined closing date.

Vanea Gardner

Analysis by Vanea Gardner

Last Updated: February, 23rd 2024

Date and Time
Section 8 Voucher

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Please note: The De Valls Bluff Housing Authority covers Prairie County, AR.

The De Valls Bluff Housing Authority (DVBHA) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is currently open until further notice.Please note: This waiting list has preferences. This means that applicants who qualify for these preferences will receive assistance before applicants who do not. Because of these preferences, applicants who do not qualify may have a longer wait to receive assistance.There are two ways to apply

  1. Local residents can visit the DVBHA office to pick up a pre-application, located at 753 E. Walnut Street, De Valls Bluff, AR 72041.
  2. Non-local residents can call the DVBHA at (870) 998-2812 to request a pre-application be mailed to them.

This waiting list has the following preferences: Residents, working.Selected applicants will be placed on the waiting list by date and time of pre-application submission.Important note: Applicants who have been placed on the waiting list must inform the housing authority immediately if your application information changes (such as contact information, income, and household members). In the case that the office sends a notice that does not get returned, or if application information is out of date, your name may be terminated from the waiting list. Contact the housing authority to find out how to update application information.For more information, call the DVBHA office at (870) 998-2812.

De Valls Bluff Housing Authority Section 8 Voucher Application Methods

The application may be completed in person at 753 E. Walnut Street, De Valls Bluff, AR 72041.

The application may be completed by phone at 753 E. Walnut Street, De Valls Bluff, AR 72041.

De Valls Bluff Housing Authority Section 8 Voucher Applicant Preferences

De Valls Bluff Housing Authority has preferences for: Live, Work, or Attend School Locally, Working/Employed. Preferences are not required but Section 8 Voucher applicants that meet these criteria will be moved up the waiting list.

De Valls Bluff Housing Authority

De Valls Bluff Housing Authority Section 8 Voucher Waiting List is managed by De Valls Bluff Housing Authority.

De Valls Bluff Housing Authority provides affordable housing for up to 54 low- and moderate-income households through its public housing programs.

This housing agency serves Prairie County, Arkansas.

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