Analysis by Lorena Bentley
Last Updated: February, 23rd 2024
This waiting list is for Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental housing assistance in Jefferson, Jennings and Scott County, Indiana.
The Ohio Valley Opportunities (OVO) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is open.
Ohio Valley Opportunities will accept applications for this waiting list from November 1, 2022 at 8:00 am, until further notice.
To apply during the opening period, complete the online application available here:
This waiting list has the following preferences:
Selected applicants will be placed on the waiting list by date and time the application is received, by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the OVO website.
Sources: This information was verified by the Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority public notice on October 10, 2022
Jefferson, Jennings and Scott County, Indiana has preferences for: Elderly, Live, Work, or Attend School Locally, Working/Employed, Disabled, Families with Children, Living in Or at Risk of Institutionalization, Youth Aging Out of Foster Care. Preferences are not required but Section 8 Voucher applicants that meet these criteria will be moved up the waiting list.
Jefferson, Jennings and Scott County, Indiana Section 8 Voucher Waiting List is managed by Ohio Valley Opportunities.
Ohio Valley Opportunities provides affordable housing for up to 0 low- and moderate-income households through its programs.
This housing agency serves Jefferson County, Jennings County, Scott County, Indiana.
More people usually means more waiting lists.
Areas with the highest populations tend to have the most amount of waiting list opportunities.Linda Kenney says:
"Affordable Housing Online has great information that I pass along to other people in need."