Scott Carver Dakota Cap Agency Section 8 Voucher Waiting List is Closed as of March 2025. The waiting list was last open in March 2015 and remains closed.

Section 8 Voucher

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The Scott, Carver & Dakota (MN) Community Action Partnership (CAP) was last open on February 13, 2015 for 30 days.

The application was available online and in print from the CAP office. They specified a local preference.

We will update this listing with any further information about the February 13th opening as we confirm details.

Scott Carver Dakota Cap Agency

Scott Carver Dakota Cap Agency Section 8 Voucher Waiting List is managed by Scott Carver Dakota Cap Agency.

Scott Carver Dakota Cap Agency provides affordable housing for up to 0 low- and moderate-income households through its programs.

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