Biden Executive Order directs HUD to review fair housing laws

By Nathan Brunet on January 28th, 2021

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An Executive Order by President Joe Biden has directed the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary to examine the fair housing effects of some Trump Administration policies.

Acknowledging the many issues of housing discrimination in our country, the January 26 White House Memorandum states:

"Accordingly, it is the policy of my Administration that the Federal Government shall work with communities to end housing discrimination, to provide redress to those who have experienced housing discrimination, to eliminate racial bias and other forms of discrimination in all stages of home-buying and renting, to lift barriers that restrict housing and neighborhood choice, to promote diverse and inclusive communities, to ensure sufficient physically accessible housing, and to secure equal access to housing opportunity for all."

Specifically, President Biden has instructed that the HUD Secretary takes quick action to analyze the effects of two Trump Administration rules:

  • September, 2020 Rule: “HUD’s Implementation of the Fair Housing Act’s Disparate Impact Standard.” A 2013 fair housing regulation was amended by this rule.

As President Biden's nomination Marcia L. Fudge has not yet been confirmed as HUD Secretary, Matthew E. Ammon is currently HUD's Acting Secretary.

Ammon said in a HUD press release that "HUD looks forward to working closely with the President and his administration to expand equitable access to housing for millions of Americans.”

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