Db Date | 06/30/2023 |
Estimated Property Exit Date | 08/16/2033 |
State | MI |
Address | |
Address 2 | |
Address 3 | |
City | STANTON |
Zip Code | 48888 |
Total Units | 26 |
Rental Type | Family |
Section | 515 Rural Housing |
Revitalization | No |
Tax Credit | Y |
Borrower Profit Type | |
Management Name | KMG PRESTIGE INC |
1 Br | |
2 Br | |
3 Br | |
4 Br | |
5 Br | |
6 Br | |
Handicapped Units | 2 |
Vacant Units | 2 |
Rental Assistance Units | 0 |
Year Restrictive Clause Expires | 2033 |
Borrower Type | Limited Partnership |
Borrower Name 2 | |
Borrower Address | |
Borrower Address 3 | |
Borrower Address 4 | |
Borrower City State | LANSING, MI |
Data As-of Date | |
Fy Of Loan Obligation | 1991 |
Interest Rate At Loan Closing % | 6.38 |
Loan Amt | |
Balloon? | TRUE |
Remaining Term Days | 10697 |
Orig Loan Term | 30 |
Prepay Eligible | |
Prepay Eligible Date Yr | 2033 |
Loan Payoff Year | 2052 |
Estimated Property Exit Year | 2033 |
Project Number | |
Project Id | 01 |
Project Check Digit | 7 |
Latitude | 43.292901 |
Longitude | -85.094748 |
Borrower Id | 045316652 |
Date Of Operation | 08/16/1982 |
Tax Credit Expires | 06/30/2034 |
Property Key | |
State County Fips Code |
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