Low Income Housing Data and Advocacy Tools

Comparing owner and renter households for the entire US

Number of occupied housing units by tenure

Over 1/3 of all households in the US rent their homes or apartments.

Monthly median income and housing costs

Renter households make less than half of owner households, but pay almost the same in monthly housing costs.

Source: US Census Bureau 2015 ACS 5-yr estimates

States with the highest percentage of cost burdened renter households

HUD classifies households that pay 30% or more of income on rent and utilities as "cost burdened." Hover over bars to get the raw number of households.

These percentages are for renter households only and do not include those households that own their residences.

Source: US Census Bureau 2015 ACS 5-yr estimates

Affordable Housing Availability in the US through federal programs

Number of properties/complexes and respective housing units available through select federal programs
(does not include state, local, or private properties and units)

A housing unit is typically an apartment or townhome.