Federal housing providers can restrict units or properties only for disabled occupancy for the following housing programs:
The Public Housing program is managed by HUD Public Housing Agencies (or housing authorities). These properties receive an operating subsidy that allows tenants to pay 30% of their adjusted monthly income for rent.
Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance is managed by private owners, or sometimes housing authorities, with tenants paying 30% of their adjusted monthly income for rent and the program paying the owners the rest of the rent.
Learn how to apply for Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance apartments here.
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program provides tax credits to investors that invest capital in properties that serve low-income households. These properties offer reduced rents affordable to low-income households, and in many cases include other resources such as Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance, that make them affordable to those with the lowest incomes.
Learn how to how to apply for Low-Income Housing Tax Credit apartments here.,
Section 515 is a program run by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that provides low-interest loans to developers building properties providing apartments to low-income households in rural areas. These properties often have other federal subsidies, such as Section 521 Rural Rental Assistance or Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance. Many Section 515 properties are designated for disabled and senior occupancy only. You can check with the housing office or manager for the building to see if it is designated for disabled and senior tenants. You can also ask about accessible units and what rental assistance is available.
In certain circumstances, HUD Non-Elderly Disabled (NED) Vouchers may be available. These vouchers have the same rules as Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers. They provide rental assistance to lease apartments in the private market.
Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) have the option of designating some of their properties as “senior-only.” This includes public housing, Section 8 new construction, Section 515 and a few other types of affordable housing. In these cases, disabled households that would have been eligible to live there are offered the Non-Elderly Disabled Vouchers. In addition, disabled residents who currently live in one of these developments being converted to senior-only living also qualify for the vouchers. You do not have to already be on the PHAs Section 8 Voucher waiting list to receive a Disabled Voucher. You should check with the PHA about whether they provide Disabled Vouchers and if you qualify.
Search local listings for available Section 8 apartments.
Apartments and homes listed for rent locally may accept a Section 8 voucher, even if the listing doesn't mention the program.Karen Grim says:
"I like Affordable Housing Online because it is easier to navigate than other websites that waste a lot of my time."