Analysis by Nathan Brunet
Last Updated: February, 23rd 2024
The San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) is currently accepting NED (under 62 years old with a disability) waiting list applications.
To apply, complete the online application.
This waiting list has the following preferences: Live or work in the City of San Diego, homeless with disability, veteran, active military, elderly, disabled, family.
Selected applicants will be placed on the waiting list by date and time the application has been received, by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the SDHC website, or call the office at (619)231-9400.
Non-Elderly Disabled (NED) has preferences for: Elderly, Live, Work, or Attend School Locally, Veterans, Homeless, Disabled, Families with Children, Active Military. Preferences are not required but Project-Based applicants that meet these criteria will be moved up the waiting list.
Non-Elderly Disabled (NED) Project-Based Waiting List is managed by San Diego Housing Commission.
San Diego Housing Commission provides affordable housing for up to 15,710 low- and moderate-income households through its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and public housing programs.
This housing agency serves San Diego, California.
Preferences are not a requirement.
You should still consider applying to waiting lists with preferences you don't qualify for. There is still a chance to get housing.Judea I. Lawton says:
"Affordable Housing Online is a great resource for those needing housing."