The Winooski Housing Authority is currently accepting public housing waiting list applications for families and senior/disabled individuals.This housing authority offers two family communities ranging in size from 2 to 5 bedrooms, and three apartment communities for senior/disabled individuals.There are two ways to apply for public housing:1. Visit the housing authority to pick up an application, located at 83 Barlow St., Winooski, VT 05404, during normal office hours.2. Download an application here, then print and complete.Once the application has been completed it can be mailed or hand delivered to the address listed above. No documents are needed at this time.This housing authority does have a preference for applicants that are 55 or older, or living and/or working in Winooski.More information can be found by visiting the housing authority website, or they can be reached with any questions you may have by calling 802-655-2360, during normal office hours.
Winooski Housing Authority Public Housing Waiting List is managed by Winooski Housing Authority.
Winooski Housing Authority provides affordable housing for up to 573 low- and moderate-income households through its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and public housing programs.
This housing agency serves Winooski, Vermont.
Preferences must be verified by documents.
Have documentation ready that shows you qualify for a waiting list's preferences.Kathy Bleser says:
"I was prepared to relocate for a Section 8 voucher, but this website alerted me to a waiting list opening in my own city. Within six months, I had a voucher! Thank you Affordable Housing Online!"