Bristol Caverns Apartments Eastern Eight Community Development Corporation Senior and Disabled Waiting List is Closed as of March 2025. The waiting list was last open in July 2021 and remains closed.

Nathan Brunet

Analysis by Nathan Brunet

Last Updated: February, 23rd 2024

Online Application
Senior and Disabled

This waiting list is for Other Senior and Disabled rental housing assistance in Bristol, Tennessee.

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The Kingsport Housing And Redevelopment Authority (KHRA) Eastern Eight Community Development Corporation waiting list for apartments at Bristol Caverns Apartments is currently closed. Applications were last accepted on July 28, 2021. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.

Please note: According to the KHRA, this waiting list is for "Elderly, Disabled, or families enrolled in supportive services."

This opening is for the following properties:

  • Wayland Place I (Mountain City)
    • Elderly, Disabled, or families enrolled in supportive services
  • Wayland Place II (Mountain City)
    • Elderly, Disabled, or families enrolled in supportive services
  • Bristol Caverns Apartments (Bristol, TN)
    • Disabled families

To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete the online application.

This waiting list may have had any of the following preferences:

  • Preference for involuntarily displaced families (ref. 4-III.G): Families who have been involuntarily displaced because of an act(s) of God/natural disaster, i.e. fire, flood, tornado etc., which occurred no more than six (6) months from the date of certification and have not secured permanent replacement housing. (20 points)
  • Preference for victims of domestic violence: The KHRA will offer a local preference to families that have been subjected to or victimized by an affiliated individual within 90 days of application and/or preference request. Applicants requesting protections of VAWA will be required to provide appropriate documentation. (20 points)
  • Preference for Elderly/Disabled/Veterans: (5 points)a. 62 years old or older; orb. Meeting the HUD definition of disabled as defined in Section 223 of the Social Security Act; orc. Veterans of any branch of the United States military or merchant marine currently serving or separated with DD214 release from activity duty under honorable conditions.
  • Preference for Substandard Housing/Homelessness: Currently residing in sub-standard housing such as housing that lacks functioning plumbing, heating or electrical systems, and/or which is structurally unsound to the extent that the housing envelope does not adequately prevent incursion by precipitation, or is in imminent danger of collapse. (5 points)

For more information, visit the KHRA website.

Sources: This information was verified by the KHRA on July 29, 2021.

Bristol Caverns Apartments Eastern Eight Community Development Corporation Senior and Disabled Applicant Preferences

Bristol Caverns Apartments Eastern Eight Community Development Corporation has preferences for: Elderly, Displaced by Natural Disaster, Victims of Domestic Violence, Veterans, Homeless, Live in Substandard Housing, Disabled. Preferences are not required but Senior and Disabled applicants that meet these criteria will be moved up the waiting list.

Kingsport Housing And Redevelopment Authority

Bristol Caverns Apartments Eastern Eight Community Development Corporation Senior and Disabled Waiting List is managed by Kingsport Housing And Redevelopment Authority.

Kingsport Housing And Redevelopment Authority provides affordable housing for up to 1,892 low- and moderate-income households through its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and public housing programs.

This housing agency serves Greene County, Hawkins County, Johnson County, Sullivan County, Unicoi County, Washington County, Tennessee. Service does not extend to Bristol and Service does not extend to Johnson City, Tennessee.

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