This housing agency serves Cook County, Illinois. Service does not extend to Chicago, Service does not extend to Cicero, Service does not extend to Elgin, Service does not extend to Maywood, Service does not extend to Oak Park, Service does not extend to Park Forest, Illinois.
Waiting List | |
Closed: Cook County, Illinois Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Village Park Apartments Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Meadowview Apartments Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Whistler Crossing Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Torrence Place Apartments Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Crescent Place, 1 and 2-Bedroom Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Wisdom Village of Northlake, Forest Oaks Senior, Thomas Place, Poplar Creek Village and Carriage Creek, 1 and 2-Bedroom, 55+ Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Multiple Properties, Studio, 1, 2 and 3-Bedroom, Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Otto Square Veterans Housing, 1 and 2-Bedroom Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Jane R. Perlman and Victor Walchirk Apartments, Affordable Multi-Family Housing Other Project Based Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Turlington West and Edward Brown Apartments, Affordable Multi-Family Housing Other Project Based Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Turlington West and Edward Brown Apartments, Affordable Multi-Family Housing Other Project Based Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Jane Perlman and Walchirk Apartments, Affordable Multi-Family Housing Other Project Based Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Golden Towers l & ll Apartments and Juniper Tower Apartments, Affordable Multi-Family Housing Other Project Based Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Armond King Apartments and Albert Goedke Apartments, Affordable Multi-Family Housing Other Project Based Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Huntington Apartments and Wheeling Tower Apartments, Affordable Multi-Family Housing Other Project Based Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Richard Flowers Comunity Housing Apartments, 2 and 3-Bedroom, Affordable Multi-Family Housing Other Project Based Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Richard Flowers Comunity Housing Apartments, 1 and 2-Bedroom, Affordable Multi-Family Housing Other Project Based Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Summit Senior Living Senior Public Housing Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Riverdale Apartments, 2-Bedroom Senior Public Housing Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Summit Senior Living Senior Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Broadview Senior Apartments Senior Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Ann Rainey Apartments Senior Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Riverdale Apartments, 2-Bedroom Senior Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Freedom Village Apartments, 1 and 2-Bedroom Senior Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Union Avenue Apartments, 1, 2 and 3-Bedroom Disabled Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Waiting List | Learn More |
Closed: Senior Affordable Multi-Family Housing Other Senior Waiting List | Learn More |
This waiting list is for Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental housing assistance in Cook County, Illinois; excluding Chicago, Cicero, Elgin, Maywood, Oak Park and Park Forest.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list is currently closed. Applications were last accepted from October 19, 2020, until November 2, 2020. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete the online application.
This waiting list has the following preferences:
10,000 applicants were placed on the waiting list by random lottery, and ranked by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the Daily Herald public notice and a HACC representative on October 19, 2020.
This waiting list is for Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in Waukegan, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) waiting list for 1, 2 and 3-Bedroom Project Based Voucher apartments at Village Park Apartments is currently closed. Applications were last accepted from March 12, 2020, until March 16, 2020. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete the online application.
This waiting list had the following preferences:
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application is received, weighed by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC, as of March 26, 2020.
This waiting list is for Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in Blue Island, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) waiting list for 1 and 2-Bedroom Project Based Voucher apartments at Meadowview Apartments is currently closed. Applications were last accepted from April 9, 2020, until April 14, 2020. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete an online application.
The maximum income limits per each household size were as follows:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application is received, weighed by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the Chicago Tribune public notice, as of April 6, 2020.
This waiting list is for Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in Riverdale, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) waiting list for 2 and 3-Bedroom Project Based Voucher apartments at Whistler Crossing is currently closed. Applications were last accepted from June 11, 2020, until June 15, 2020. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete the online application.
The maximum income limits per each household size were as follows:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application is received, weighed by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC, as of June 15, 2020.
This waiting list is for Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in Cook County, Illinois .
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) Section 8 Project-Based Voucher waiting list for 1 and 2-Bedroom apartments at Torrence Place Apartments is closed.
The HACC last accepted applications for this waiting list from September 29, 2022, until October 3, 2022. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.
Please note: According to the HACC public notice, "to be eligible for the Torrence Place PBV units, the head of household, co-head, or spouse must have a verifiable disability."
To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete the online application.
The maximum income limits for each household size were as follows:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by random lottery, by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC facebook's page public notice on November 4, 2022.
This waiting list is for Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in Arlington Heights, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list applications for 1 and 2-bedroom apartments at Crescent Place Apartments from September 18, 2023, until September 21, 2023. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply while the waitlist was open, applicants were required to complete the online application.
The maximum income limits for each household size were as followed:
This waiting list had the following preferences: Applicants who are currently on the HACC’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program wait list.
150 selected applicants were placed on this waiting list by random lottery, by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC public notice on September 20, 2023.
This waiting list is for Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in Cook County, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Senior Section 8 Project Based Voucher waiting list applications for 1 and 2-Bedroom apartments at Wisdom Village of Northlake, Forest Oaks Senior, Thomas Place, Poplar Creek Village and Carriage Creek Apartments from November 6, 2023, until November 9, 2023. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.
This waiting list was for the following properties:
To apply while the waitlist was open, applicants were required to complete the online application.
The maximum income limits for each household size were as followed:
Preferences have not been confirmed.
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by random lottery, by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC public notice on November 6, 2023.
This waiting list is for Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in Skokie, Arlington Heights, Palatine, Glenview, Berwyn, Forest Park, Maywood and Oak Park, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and Section 8 Project Based Voucher waiting list applications for Studio, 1, 2 and 3-Bedroom apartments for Multiple Properties from March 18, 2024, until March 21, 2024. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.
This waiting list was for the following properties:
To apply while the waitlist was open, applicants were required to complete the online application.
The maximum income limits for each household size were as followed:
This waiting list had the following preference: Applicants who are currently on the HACC’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program wait list.
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by random lottery, by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC public notice on March 13, 2024.
This waiting list is for Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in Chicago Heights, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Section 8 Project Based Voucher waiting list applications for 1 and 2-bedroom apartments at Otto Square Veterans Housing Apartments from July 23, 2024, until July 25, 2024. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.
This waiting list was for the following property:
Please note: According to the HACC "At this time, only applications submitted by veterans will be added to the wait list; the order of placement on the wait list will be based on a randomized computer-generated lottery system. Applications from non-veterans will not be accepted at this time."
Income Qualification
The maximum income limits for each household size were as followed:
This waiting list had the following preferences: Veterans
Selection Process
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by random lottery, by order of preferences.
Application Method
To apply while the waitlist is open, complete the online application.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC public notice on July 17, 2024.
This waiting list is for Other Project Based rental housing assistance in Chicago, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) Affordable Multi-Family Housing waiting list for 1-Bedroom at the Jane R. Perlman and Victor Walchirk Apartments is closed.
The HACC last accepted applications for this waiting list from November 16, 2022, until November 21, 2022. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete the online application.
The maximum income limits for each household size were as follows:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
250 applicants will be placed on this waiting list by date and time the application is received, weighed by preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC notice on November 4, 2022.
This waiting list is for Other Project Based rental housing assistance in Chicago, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) Affordable Multi-Family Housing waiting list for 1-Bedroom at the Turlington West and Edward Brown Apartments is closed.
The HACC last accepted applications for this waiting list from November 16, 2022, until November 21, 2022. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete the online application.
The maximum income limits for each household size were as follows:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
250 applicants were placed on this waiting list by date and time the application is received, weighed by preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC notice on November 4, 2022.
This waiting list is for Other Project Based rental housing assistance in Chicago, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Affordable Multi-Family Housing waiting list for 1-Bedroom at the Turlington West and Edward Brown Apartments from April 25, 2023, until May 30, 2023. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete the online application.
Income limits could be found here.
This waiting list had the following preferences:
Selected applicants were placed on this waiting list by date and time the application was received, weighed by preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC notice on April 19, 2023.
This waiting list is for Other Project Based rental housing assistance in Evanston, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Affordable Multi-Family Housing waiting list applications for 1-Bedroom apartments at Jane Perlman and Walchirk Apartments from August 21, 2023, until August 30, 2023. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply while the waitlist was open, applicants were required to complete the online application that was available on the HACC website.
Preferences have not been confirmed.
It was not known how applicants were placed on the waiting list, by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC notice on August 15, 2023.
This waiting list is for Other Project Based rental housing assistance in Chicago Heights and Park Forest, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Affordable Multi-Family Housing waiting list applications for 1-Bedroom apartments at Golden Towers l & ll and Juniper Tower Apartments Apartments from February 1, 2024, until February 28, 2024. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.
This waiting list was for the following properties:
To apply while the waitlist was open, applicants were required to complete the online application.
The maximum income limits for each household size were as followed:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application was received, weighed by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC public notice on January 11, 2024.
This waiting list is for Other Project Based rental housing assistance in Skokie and Arlington Heights, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Affordable Multi-Family Housing waiting list applications for 1-Bedroom apartments at Armond King Apartments and and Albert Goedke Apartments from February 1, 2024, until February 28, 2024. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.
This waiting list is for the following properties:
To apply while the waitlist was open, applicants were required to complete the online application.
The maximum income limits for each household size were as followed:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application was received, weighed by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC public notice on January 11, 2024.
This waiting list is for Other Project Based rental housing assistance in Niles and Wheeling, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Affordable Multi-Family Housing waiting list applications for 1-Bedroom apartments at Huntington Apartments and Wheeling Tower Apartments from February 1, 2024, until February 28, 2024. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.
This waiting list was for the following properties:
To apply while the waitlist was open, applicants were required to complete the online application.
The maximum income limits for each household size were as followed:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application was received, weighed by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC public notice on January 11, 2024.
This waiting list is for Other Project Based rental housing assistance in Robbins, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Affordable Multi-Family Housing waiting list applications for 3 and 4-Bedroom apartments at Richard Flowers Community Housing Apartments from August 26, 2024, until September 6, 2024. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.
This waiting list was for the following property:
Income Qualification
The maximum income limits for each household size were as followed:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
Selection Process
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application was received, weighed by order of preferences.
Application Method
To apply while the waitlist was open, applicants were required to complete the online application.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC public notice on July 31, 2024.
This waiting list is for Other Project Based rental housing assistance in Robbins, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Affordable Multi-Family Housing waiting list applications for 1 and 2-Bedroom apartments at Richard Flowers Community Housing Apartments from August 26, 2024, until August 23, 2024. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.
This waiting list is for the following property:
Income Qualification
The maximum income limits for each household size were as followed:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
Selection Process
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application was received, weighed by order of preferences.
Application Method
To apply while the waitlist was open, applicants were required to complete the online application.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC public notice on July 31, 2024.
This waiting list is for Senior Public Housing rental housing assistance in Summit, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) Senior Public Housing waiting list for 1 and 2-Bedroom apartments at Summit Senior Living is currently closed. Applications were last accepted from January 12, 2021 until January 14, 2021. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply during the opening period, applicants were required complete the online application.
The maximum income limits for each household size were as follows:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application is received, weighed by order of preferences.
Please note: The HACC will maintain one wait list for both the Senior Public Housing and the Senior Section 8 Project Based Voucher programs at this property.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC on January 6, 2021.
This waiting list is for Senior Public Housing rental housing assistance in Riverdale, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Senior Public Housing waiting list applications for 2-Bedroom apartments at Riverdale Apartments from July 1, 2024, until July 15, 2024. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.
This waiting list was for the following property:
Income Qualification
The maximum income limits for each household size were as followed:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
Selection Process
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application was received, weighed by order of preferences.
Application Method
To apply while the waitlist was open, applicants were required to complete the online application.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC public notice on June 14, 2024.
This waiting list is for Senior Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in Summit, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) Senior Section 8 Project Based Voucher waiting list for 1 and 2-Bedroom apartments at Summit Senior Living is currently closed. Applications were last accepted from January 12, 2021 until January 14, 2021. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete the online application.
The maximum income limits for each household size were as follows:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application is received, weighed by order of preferences.
Please note: The HACC will maintain one wait list for both the Senior Public Housing and the Senior Section 8 Project Based Voucher programs at this property.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC on January 6, 2021.
This waiting list is for Senior Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in Cook County, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) Senior Section 8 Project-Based Voucher waiting list for 1 and 2-Bedroom apartments at Broadview Senior Apartments is closed.
The HACC last accepted applications for this waiting list from October 13, 2021, until October 15, 2021. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete the online application.
The maximum income limits for each household size are as follows:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
It was not known how applicants will be placed on the waiting list.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC public notice on October 4, 2021.
This waiting list is for Senior Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in Cook County, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) Senior Section 8 Project-Based Voucher waiting list for 1 and 2-Bedroom apartments at Ann Rainey Apartments is closed.
The HACC last accepted applications for this waiting list from October 13, 2021, until October 15, 2021. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete the online application.
The maximum income limits for each household size were as follows:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
It was not known how applicants will be placed on the waiting list.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC public notice on October 4, 2021.
This waiting list is for Senior Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in Riverdale, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Senior Section 8 Project Based Voucher waiting list applications for 2-Bedroom apartments at Riverdale Apartments from July 1, 2024, until July 15, 2024. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.
This waiting list was for the following property:
Income Qualification
The maximum income limits for each household size were as followed:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
Selection Process
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application was received, weighed by order of preferences.
Application Method
To apply while the waitlist was open, applicants were required to complete the online application.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC public notice on June 14, 2024.
This waiting list is for Senior Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in Homewood, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Senior Section 8 Project Based Voucher waiting list applications for 1 and 2-Bedroom apartments at Freedom Village Apartments from July 29, 2024, until August 1, 2024. There is no notice when this waiting list will reopen.
This waiting list was for the following property:
Income Qualification
The maximum income limits for each household size were as followed:
This waiting list had the following preference: Applicants who are currently on the HACC’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program wait list.
Selection Process
150 selected applicants were placed on the 1-bedroom waiting list by random lottery, by order of preferences.
75 selected applicants were placed on the 2-bedroom waiting list by random lottery, by order of preferences.
Application Method
To apply while the waitlist was open, applicants were required to complete the online application.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC public notice on July 17, 2024.
This waiting list is for Disabled Section 8 Project-Based Voucher rental housing assistance in Orland Park, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) last accepted Disabled Section 8 Project-Based Voucher waiting list applications for 1, 2 and 3-Bedroom apartments at Union Avenue Apartments from July 31, 2023, until August 3, 2023. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply while the waitlist was open, applicants were required to complete the online application.
Income limits could be found here.
It was not known how applicants were placed on the waiting list.
Selected applicants were placed on the waiting list by random lottery, by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC official facebook notice on August 7, 2023.
This waiting list is for Other Senior rental housing assistance in Niles and Wheeling, Illinois.
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) Senior Affordable Multi-Family Housing waiting list for 1-Bedroom standard and accessible apartments at Huntington and Wheeling Tower is currently closed.
The HACC last accepted applications for this waiting list from July 28, 2021 until July 30, 2021. There is no notice of when this waiting list will reopen.
To apply during the opening period, applicants were required to complete the online application.
The maximum income limits for each household size were as follows:
This waiting list had the following preferences:
250 applicants were placed on the waiting list by date and time the application is received, weighed by order of preferences.
For more information, visit the HACC website.
Sources: This information was verified by the HACC on July 14, 2021.
Housing Authority of Cook County provides affordable housing for up to 13,905 low- and moderate-income households through its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher and public housing programs.
Monday | 8:30am-4:30pm |
Tuesday | 8:30am-4:30pm |
Thursday | 8:30am-4:30pm |
Friday | 8:30am-4:30pm |
175 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL
Visit Website — (312) 663-5447Housing Authority of Cook County serves 12,931 low-income households. The agency manages 13,992 Housing Choice Vouchers and 199 public housing units.
Extremely low-income (ELI) renters, earning less than 30% of Area Median Income (AMI), make up 77 percent of households served by Housing Authority of Cook County. Very low-income renters earn less than 50% AMI, and are 94 percent of Housing Authority of Cook County households.
Working adults head 4,267 households and make up 33 percent of households served by Housing Authority of Cook County.
There are 10862 female-headed renter households living in Housing Authority of Cook County housing. Households headed by females are 84% of those served by the Housing Authority of Cook County.
Black | 10,603 |
White | 1,681 |
Hispanic | 517 |
There are 3879 households headed by seniors served by the Housing Authority of Cook County. Senior households are 30% of households in Housing Authority of Cook County housing.
There are 3232 persons with disabilities living in Housing Authority of Cook County housing. Persons with disabilities are the head of 25% of households served by the Housing Authority of Cook County.
The Housing Authority of Cook County is rated as a standard performer by HUD.
HUD rates the performance of Public Housing Agencies. The department looks at physical condition of properties, financial condition, management operations, and use of Public Housing Capital Funds for improvements.
Housing Authority of Cook County’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) waiting list was last opened on October 19, 2020 and closed on November 2, 2020.
13900 S Grace Ave, Robbins, Illinois 60472
2250 W Golf Rd, Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169
350 Juniper St, Park Forest, Illinois 60466
1015 E. 47th Street, Apt 1B, Chicago, Illinois 60653
2520 Village Park Dr, Waukegan, Illinois 60087
1706 East End Ave, Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411
12445 S MORGAN ST, Calumet Park, Illinois 60827
3201 RANDOLPH ST, Bellwood, Illinois 60104
751 Graceland Avenue, Des Plaines, Illinois 60016
33 S Wolf Rd, Northlake, Illinois 60164
5000 South Fifth Avenue, Hinsdale, Illinois 60141
22501 Butterfield Rd, Richton Park, Illinois 60471
Looking for housing as soon as possible?
Applying for waiting lists with no preferences may help shorten the wait for available housing.Gordon Gross says:
"The best feature of Affordable Housing Online is being notified by email when a waiting list opens, or is scheduled to do so. I'm very grateful for this website's services."